How To Plan A Great Father's Day For Your Husband Who Loves To Bike Ride

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How To Plan A Great Father's Day For Your Husband Who Loves To Bike Ride

12 April 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Can you believe that summer is right around the corner? That means that Father's Day is coming up pretty fast, too. Are you a person who likes to get ahead of the game by planning for special events ahead of time? If so, that means you're probably already thinking of ways to make this year's Father's Day a special one. If your husband has a passion for bike riding, your mind is probably focusing on ways you can incorporate that passion into his day. From planning a fun event to selecting bike t-shirts, here are some ideas that might inspire you to plan a memorable Father's Day for your sweetheart.

Make It A Big Occasion - Give your husband the gift of a bike tour. Find out about special bike routes that your husband has not taken before and arrange for some of your husband's biking buddies to accompany him on that bike trek. In addition, contact the guy's wives and see if they'll join you to meet your husbands for a special picnic that you will deliver at a certain time. Your husband will be totally impressed that you took the time to coordinate such an amazing event. Of course, if you're a biker yourself, you could do a twosome trek instead of him going with his buddies. 

Give The Perfect Gift - Is your husband the kind of guy who just goes out and buys whatever he wants or needs? If so, giving him the perfect gift will definitely take a lot of thought. Of course, since it's a bike-themed Father's Day, you'll probably want to give him something that has to do with bikes.

  • Comb through old family pictures and see if there's one of your husband riding a bike or a tricycle as a child. If not, have a picture of yourself in a bike shirt taken and have it framed for your husband's office or his bedside table. If you have kids or grandkids, a picture of them on their bikes or trikes in bike shirts would be great, too.
  • A gift basket full of bike related objects would be great, too. It could contain things like his favorite goodies for his bike treks, tools for bike repairs, maps, a bike GPS, and a couple or three bike T shirts, all rolled up to look like a great big flower.
  • Even though your husband probably already has bike shirts, he can always use more of them. In addition, think of getting him some button-down collared shirts that have bikes as the design in the fabric. 

The gift your husband will probably treasure the most will be a card or letter that expresses your love and appreciation for him.